I dropped the habit of making new year resolutions a long time ago. It really was fun, and I must admit that the beginning of a new year infuses me with giddy feelings, but then, if I can’t implement resolutions in August, what gives me the belief that I will see to its logical conclusion in January?
There is no such thing as a fast or slow year! From time immemorial, time has always had the same length. An hour lasts for all of sixty minutes, and nothing more. It never moves at a faster pace.
The reason why we sometimes feel that a year is fast or slow is the level and tempo of activities that go on through the year.
In other words, if you have a fast year, it simply means that you have engaged in a lot of activities that have kept you busy; and on the other hand, if you’ve been bugged down by the tyranny of a slow year, it simply implies that you haven’t been busy enough.
Every January, we feel renewed, and ready to take on the world. Our eyes are only open to vast oppourtunities, and our hearts beat with infectious enthusiasm for the exploits we would embark on in the infant and innocent year; but as the year moves on, and leaves its placenta behind, we begin to get disillusioned, perhaps because the resolutions begin to seem like fairy tales. We gradually slip back to the level we were in before the new year, or even worse in some instances.
This year, I’m avoiding that pitfall. I’ve not made any resolutions this year, even though I have a very strong and potent belief that this year is going to be a pretty wonderful year for me. Rather, I have made DECISIONS.
This year, I’ve decided to appreciate my family more, because truly, they are the ones I trust the most. In this cold and treacherous life, trust is a very scarce commodity, so I’m going to stick close to my family in 2011.
This year, I’m going to do my best for my friends. I’m going to lend a helping hand to my buddies whenever they need it whether they ask for it or not, because as I rightly wrote in my book, TOWN CRIER, a friend becomes a friend in deed only in times of trouble and great need.
This year, I’m going to appreciate and recognize my fans more. As an entertainer, I realize that despite the plethora of gifts and talents I have, I am nothing without my super fans (no, scratch that, and make it MEGAFANS). My megafans are the ones to decide whether I will sell a million books, a thousand, or just a copy.
This year, I’m going to shut out the critics. Those fools who can’t do shit, but still get malaria of the mouth, and yap about how I’m not getting it right.
I’m still going to write something about critics, but I just want to advise you, quickly, to confine the voices of critics to where they rightly belong: the trash bin.
Everybody has critics, and most times, these critics distract us from pursuing our goals, and succeed in getting us to focus on less important things.
This year, put on a large smile, and happily tell your critics to SHUT UP AND GO TO HELL. Forget about them, and pay more attention to ‘sincere encouragers’ who praise youwhen you do something right, and correct you when you’re not on track.
This year, I’m going to continue on the journey of discovering myself and introducing myself to the world.
I strongly believe that I am a blessing to Nigeria, and that the world will miss a lot if I do not unleash my potentials on them.
This year, I’ve decided that I’m not going to the grave with my dreams and visions. I’ve resolved that I’m going to die empty when the time comes(still a long time away, I pray).
This year, I’m not going to run away from love, but I will take it easy.
This year, I will be more serious with my education, because as the say IT IS THE BEST LEGACY.
This year, I will be on easy mode. I will give bullshit to those who give me bullshit. I’ll show love to people who care about me, and I will dislike those who hate me.
This year, I’m doing me.
This year, get in tune with your God given potential, and bless us with your uniqueness.
This year, do you, do you, and do you. I can assure you that God no go vex. And if man vex? Who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!